Generate PDF Intro Preamble to the Constitution Letter to the Speaker Section 1 - AG AND DAG’S MESSAGES Auditor-general’s message Section 2 - OUR ORGANISATION Who we are How we are organised How we are governed Section 3 - THE STRATEGY Strategic aspiration Strategic goals Operating context Section 4 - THE PERFORMANCE REPORT Strategic goal 1: Shift public sector culture Strategic goal 2: Insight Strategic goal 3: Influence Strategic goal 4: Enforcement Strategic goal 5: Sustainably Strategic goal 6: Efficiently Section 5 - GOVERNANCE REPORTS AG’s report on the evaluation of the AGSA’s SoQM Independent Assurance Practitioner’s Limited Assurance Report to Parliament on Selected Key Sustainability Indicators Audit committee report Remuneration Committee Report Section 6 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Deputy auditor-general’s responsibilities and approval Independent auditor’s report to Parliament Statement of financial position Statement of surplus or deficit and other comprehensive income Statement of changes in equity Statement of cash flows Notes to the financial statements Accounting policies Section 7 - ANNEXURES Abbreviations and acronyms GRI content index IR framework Sustainable development goals Outro Contact Information